Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day by Day

Wow! Summer is passing all too quickly. At the beginning I had no idea how I would ever survive, and now I don’t want it to end! Up until now, I’ve been working full time, part time, and taking a college course. I’ve been busy, but (for the most part) content. I am now done with the part time job and college class, so I’ll finally be able to spend some time doing regular summer things, like vacation! I am so excited! J

In addition to keeping busy, God has allowed me to live with an amazing family this summer, and I wouldn’t trade my time with them for anything. They are so special to me, and each one has slowly but surely worked their way into my heart. I will be sad to move out again in just under one month, but I will still have the pleasure of seeing mom, dad, and Carah every Sunday at church. They truly have been a blessing and encouragement. I thank God over and over for their kindness and generosity.

I also praise God that He has a perfect plan for everything. Just a few days ago, I was reading in Matthew about how we shouldn’t worry about tomorrow because God already has it planned out for us. He’s given us enough to keep us busy and focused on for today; we don’t need to go fretting about the future. He’s been working in my life in so many ways these past few weeks. Each day I am learning a little bit more how to trust in Him and lean on His understanding instead of my own. If I were to control my own life, I would be spinning seriously out of control. I don’t know where I’ll be six years from now, or even six months from now, but I do know, if I trust God and walk according to His will, my life will become something beautiful and have purpose. I will be able to be used by Him to further his kingdom if I simply trust in Him and led Him lead me day by day.