Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Weekly List of Thankfulness

A black and white stripped afghan,

*The ability to fill up my garbage can,

Letters from home (from family and friends),

The love of God that never ends,

Cereal, bananas, and vegetable oil,

The fact I was born on Iowa soil,

Three-ring binders and chewing gum,

Saturday mornings to act like a bum,

W2s and other tax forms,

Living in the campus dorms,

Refrigerator magnets and pictures to boot,

Nerf guns that at my professors we shoot,

A chocolate breakfast with some great classmates,

Talking until the night is quite late,

Devotions and prayer journals fit in here, too,

Knowing for sure God loves me and loves you!

*(I know, I know, I know...filling up the garbage can doesn't sound like something to be very thankful for, but think about it. How many people around the world don't have anything to put in thier garbage cans beacuse of the poverty that they live in? And here I am, taking out my garbage at least once or twice a week because it gets full of my breakfast trash and such. I am truly blessed to be able to fill up my garbage can!) :)

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