Thursday, March 15, 2012

Paul's Example

Wow! Wait...let me say that again...WOW! I've been reading through the books of Corinthians this week (it's due tomorrow for New Testament, it's where I've been encouraged to go, and I don't think I've ever done it; so, now seemed like the opportune time...) Anyway, as I've been reading through these letters that Paul wrote to Corinth, I have been just struck with awe at the testimony and example of Paul. To put it bluntly: Paul was AMAZING! He was totally sold out for God! However, he also knew that he could do none of the great things he did on his own. In 1 Corinthians 2:1-4 he tells them that he is not eloquent with words, he is weak, fearful, and he could only minister to them through the power of Jesus Christ. That's what Paul's message was all about! He NEEDED God's help. He could NOT do it on his own! Oh, how many times I fail at that...anyway...Then in 1 Corinthians 11:1 Paul tells them to "be imitators of me as I am an imitator of Christ." He told them to follow his example. Even though he knew he was worthless without God's help and all of his work would be in vain, even though in 1 Timothy 1:15 he counts himself "the chief of sinners", God told him to have the Corinthians (and other churches, too) to follow his example. Here was the Apostle Paul, the former persecutor of the church, "the chief of sinners", the one who was nothing on his own, and God wanted others to follow his example!!!!! What?!?...Oh, let me say that again..WHAT?!? Wow!!!!! Oh, wowie, wow, wow!!!! That's SOOO awesome! It's really made me start thinking about what kind of example I am. Would God ever want anyone to follow my example? Hmmm...Ouch! Think on that for a while...Would God ever desire that anyone follows after the pattern of our lives??? Do you have a lot of work to do? I know I do!!!!!!

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