Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Oh, the horrors of college English! Here's the thing, I love to write...if I'm not being graded on it. I like to express myself in my own random ways without being critiqued on every little thing. I love to use gargantuon words that are made up and I love to write run on sentences without being told it's not OK. Sentence fragments? Yeah! I like to write the way I talk...not a good thing for college English. I'm not terrible at English, and I get a fair amount of joy putting my thoughts down on a blank computer screen. There is a little bit of a thrill and tingle to begin relaying a message to others that is currently stored only in your heart and mind. But to have others analyze my thoughts and tell me what an awful writer I am? not so much! :( Meh! I'll get through this and I'll do my best. Do all to the glory of God, right? Let's hope I can keep my sanity through this...

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