Saturday, January 14, 2012

Today I'm Thankful For:

Friends, and snow, and rain, and wind,

A faithful God who paid for my sin,

Sisters, parents, cousins, too,

And for the sky when it’s oh, so blue!

I’m thankful for my permanent markers,

Mittens, hats, and great big parkas,

Sun, and water, flowers, and ice,

All of God’s creation, all quite nice,

Chocolate, my Bible, and text books (I suppose),

Seeing eyes, and a smelling nose,

Hearing ears, and a washing machine,

Clothes that smell so fresh and clean,

A camera, a computer, a cell phone as well,

The assurance I’m not on my way to hell,

Great professors, bright push pins,

Happy laughter, great big grins,

Gummy bears, and books aplenty,

A bank account with a little money,

Breakfast, lunch, and supper besides,

Merry-go-rounds, seesaws, and water slides,

Music, a piano that sounds so sweet,

A room with a friend that’s tidy and neat,

Sunshine, and rainbows, and Dr. Seuss,

A God that could think up the great big moose,

And hoards of other things on top of all that,

My God is awesome! And that is that!

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